Sunday, March 22, 2009


My friend emailed me this...

I Challenge You...


Here are the rules:

*You have until this weekend to make an entirely original composition
*It has to all have been created this week (I started yesterday)
*Upon completion, we will share our respective song on the internets (I am not sure where yet)
*It has to all be done on a computer -- no real instruments
*That is all

Do you accept this challenge?

I accepted. Here's my submission. I made it with Garageband. It sounds like early Lee Perry and The Ventures except nowhere near as good as either. Having said that enjoy!

Here's a picture of my collaborator.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Drawings Of Dead Animals

I went to the natural history museum near my apartment and drew some taxidermied animals. It was fun. I'll be doing it again.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

All Seeing Eye

Done in pseudo-Basil Wolverton style. I should have drawn the middle eye in perspective. Whoopsy!

I should also stop making excuses.

Favorite Son

I suspect some moms would love to see their wayward adult sons incapacitated so they can have another go at raising them right.

Julius Digs It

The music concentration face looks pretentious on some people and genuine on others. It's not always easy to spot the phony though. Julius is for real in case you were wondering.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Monsters Monsters Monsters

Here's a couple of monsters from a collage I'm putting together with some of my friends. It's a fun project. You can do it too, just find some friends, copy paper, ball point pens, and crayons. Get everyone to draw a massive amount of monster doodles, color them, cut them out, and then glue them on a really large sheet of paper, mine is about 2.5' X 4.5'.

It's especially fun to see your doodle style directly alongside your friends'. You learn fundamental things about how people think about drawing and how they use color.